
Pioneering Blockchain Gaming Giant, XAYA, Announces Exclusive Public Sale on Liquid

XAYA, the culmination of a mission to evolve the future of gaming through blockchain technology, has announced the launch of its highly anticipated public crowd sale on Liquid’s token sale market. The five week-long event is aimed at placing blockchain-based gaming in the hands of stakeholders for the first time.

XAYA, The Evolution Of Gaming on the Blockchain

Developed by the first team to bring gaming to the blockchain through the Huntercoin experiment in 2013, XAYA is a custom blockchain addressing the issues mitigating against the gaming industry’s adoption of blockchain technology. XAYA eliminates the high cost, slow speed, and inefficiency plaguing the attempts of the gaming industry to establish its presence on existing blockchains such as Ethereum. The platform is the first and most comprehensive ecosystem built from the ground up for the gaming industry, enabling truly unrestrained and costless online gaming in real-time with infinite scalability.

XAYA’s groundbreaking ecosystem is built on three core features that is set to change gaming forever. The first feature, game channels, is a gamified modification of popular payment channels like Bitcoin’s Lightning Network. This feature enables thousands of game moves to communicate simultaneously with any number of players per second. Ephemeral timestamps, the second feature, is an automatic and autonomous layer that makes cheating during gameplay virtually impossible.

The last feature, atomic trading, is one of the most highly sought-after features in gaming by users. Atomic trading enables users to seamlessly exchange all their virtual assets and items between games and with other users for cryptocurrencies. Using this feature, gamers can trade in their virtual assets for real-world value, building a profitable venture from what they love doing.

XAYA blockchain ecosystem is language agnostic, giving developers the ability to build their games in the programing language that they are most comfortable and conversant with. Once created, developers can automatically publish and distribute games on the network at no cost. Developers can also moderate their games on the blockchain and explore emerging gameplay genres unique to the network, such as human mining and Decentralized Realities (DR).

Human mining is a gaming genre where players are rewarded for their activity with scarce blockchain-based resources carrying intrinsic, real-world value through provably fair mechanisms. Decentralized Realities puts players in complete control of their gaming realities, enabling them to access limitless, autonomous virtual universes to shape and develop much like Ready Player One’s OASIS.

Exclusivity on Liquid

Liquid is the next generation evolution of both Quoinex’s and Qryptos’ cryptocurrency exchanges. This emerging exchange powerhouse boasts of a combined daily volume exceeding $200 million USD. It is driven by a mission to facilitate frictionless liquidity for the industry by using back-end processes similar to arbitrage. This enables users to trade any pair of listed currencies through the platform’s composite access to 17 major exchanges for the most competitive prices possible. This helps users eliminate trading losses due to order book margin calls.

Liquid also launched with another innovative feature for the emerging crypto industry, Liquid Market, which will nurture startups through their crowdfunding phase. Liquid Market is a secure marketplace for users to participate in Token Generation Events (TGEs). XAYA is proud to be the first sale on this enterprising marketplace with approximately 115 million CHI to be made available to the public during the event.

Already, $3 million USD has been raised from both the private and public sales. CHI will be exchanged on Liquid Market at 0.00002 BTC per CHI alongside a generous 15 percent bonus to the first 4 million CHI exchanged. At current Bitcoin rates, the total supply of CHI for the TGE roughly equates to $10 million USD.

Contribution to the event can also be made BTC, BCH, ETH, or QASH. Liquid Exchange will also provide an exclusive $10 USD worth of QASH to participants as bonuses for participate in the event.

To learn more or participate in the public sale visit the Website:

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