
Bitcoin is ‘useless as a payment mechanism and ridiculous as a store of value,’ ex-PayPal CEO says – CNBC


Bitcoin is ‘useless as a payment mechanism and ridiculous as a store of value,’ ex-PayPal CEO says
Bitcoin will continue to fall, because “there’s just no value there,” former PayPal CEO Bill Harris told CNBC on Tuesday. “The cult of bitcoin [makes] many claims — that it’s instant, free, scalable, efficient, secure, globally accepted and useful

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Bitcoin is 'useless as a payment mechanism and ridiculous as a store of value,' ex-PayPal CEO says
Bitcoin will continue to fall, because "there's just no value there," former PayPal CEO Bill Harris told CNBC on Tuesday. "The cult of bitcoin [makes] many claims — that it's instant, free, scalable, efficient, secure, globally accepted and useful

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