
Building blocks of a fairer future

Profit, profit,profit, that is the be all and end all for most organisations in the world today. Making money has become the number 1 focus for most people across the globe. Whether rich or poor, finances are usually one of the key factors that drives decisions in the majority of households. There is a simple difference between the two sides of society, the haves and the have nots. The “haves” are looking for ways to either secure what they have or to add more to the pile as rapidly as possible. Whilst the “have nots” could be deciding between a

Profit, profit,profit, that is the be all and end all for most organisations in the world today. Making money has become the number 1 focus for most people across the globe. Whether rich or poor, finances are usually one of the key factors that drives decisions in the majority of households.

There is a simple difference between the two sides of society, the haves and the have nots. The “haves” are looking for ways to either secure what they have or to add more to the pile as rapidly as possible. Whilst the “have nots” could be deciding between a new pair of trainers for their kids or buying food for 3 days. As you see on the news day by day, the gap between the two camps is growing day by day.

Social mobility is a phrase which means the opportunity to succeed in life, improve your lot, and climb out of poverty and into comfort. With the advent of the digital age it was claimed that the opportunity to become an entrepreneur, and build your own success, was becoming easier and easier. However, as the internet opens virtual doors the real world closes them. Simply having access to a world of information at your fingertips isn’t enough to guarantee any direct road to riches: especially given that taxes rise, wages shrink and banks have given up on offering any kind of fair rate of interest on people’s meager savings.

The differences between these groups of people, and their ability to make money, are quite huge; Even though they both live in relative comfort in cities and urban areas. Even if the ability to move into the next social sphere is within their reach, yet beyond them at the same time, they at least have easy access to the internet, and digital commerce, and can thus start to aim higher. People in poor rural areas have virtually no chance at all. They are not only limited by the daily grind of survival, but also by a massive lack of infrastructure to support any type of modern/digital life at all.

With all that has gone before there are still major changes that need to be made in this world before a truly level playing field is created. One thing that has seen an almost meteoric rise in popularity this past decade and which also looks to be a major equalizer, in digital terms, is blockchain technology. Blockchain first came to the world’s attention as a means to standardize and legitimize specific information points across various computers in an immutable and incontestable form. Initially created as a form of currency with the name Bitcoin, the technology underlying it has since been adopted into other areas outside of digital money (so called cryptocurrencies – coins) and into areas as diverse as medical records, on-line gambling, parcel tracking and a wide range of other sectors.

The coins can be created in two ways: either as a one off trenche of say 1-500 million/billion or as an initial batch of so many millions with the rest to be  “mined” from the blockchain later on. They are then sold to anyone that has an interest in the project (through an ICO) and at any rate desired ($0.003 to $10+) to reach the financial target to fund the project.

Once coins are created and sold  the money generated goes to the team that are running the project to fund the development of the product. The coins get released on to the open market to be bought and sold in much the same way as stocks and shares. The perceived value of the coins goes up and down based on supply and demand. Which, in turn, is directed by the project founders keeping to their outlined stages of development. As a result of this market movement in value, money has been made by both the coin creators and the subsequent holders and traders.

As I mentioned earlier It isn’t only the people that create the idea and sell the coins to market that are benefitting from this technology but also those that get involved in buying the coins as well. As more and more people recognise the intrinsic value in the Blockchain projects attached to the coins it creates a strong impulse to own the coins. Increasing interest in the coins causes their value to grow as they are bought and sold on decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges. As a means to generate wealth and success: blockchain technology, and the cryptocurrencies attached, is a real game changer for those involved.

And so it would seem it is becoming possible, and a little bit easier, to climb the social ladder, through the power of blockchain and cryptocurrency, at least if you live somewhere in an urban environment. But, what if you don’t? What if you are one of the millions of people that are living in relative poverty out in the middle of deepest rural india or China? How difficult is it for those people to make changes to their circumstances and move up their society?

In order for these people to get involved and help build their own future, something major will have to happen. Major things happening to modernise rural areas to allow digitisation and commercialisation usually involve 2 things: massive investment in infrastructure and destruction of farming or untouched countryside and forests etc..

At this point in time, most organisations looking at improving the lot of rural areas would on the one hand calculate the overall cost and on the other potential commercial gains. If there were sufficient gains to be made they would enter a fairly destructive process of laying cables across miles of land or building enormous radio transmitter stations.

When these types of “improvements” take place, it isn’t always with the best result for the indigenous people in mind. Even though they may gain connections to the modern world they usually end up losing farmland or parts of their surrounding countryside are destroyed. Sometimes the construction process can completely destroy local habitats and thoroughly disrupt entire local ecosystems. The local population, although posited as the end beneficiary, aren’t always prominent in the decision making process.

Up till now, nothing short of massively expensive satellite technology could provide communications in the very remotest of regions. Even the most money hungry global corporation lay out the required expense to reach those regions. All this can be very frustrating to see, equality is preached all over by lots of different people. Making a difference in the world is something so many people claim to want to do and yet still, so few really try to make a difference if they can’t make a profit. And so, the end result is the areas that most need communications infrastructure are simply neglected.

There is hope on the horizon though, all is not lost. A company called Invacio do seem to be at least attempting to make things work better for the less fortunate, and the disconnected, of this world. On the surface, they seem to be just the same as most groups getting involved in the blockchain revolution. They are a high tech focused company and they launched their own cryptocurrency, which will act as a means of payment/discount for their services, however, that is where the comparisons end quite abruptly. These guys are not messing around, they have 11 seriously brilliant divisions coming out. They have an already working artificial intelligence system that can be applied into virtually any sector of commerce or industry. They are also combining that same powerful AI with blockchain technology and also highly advanced zero-knowledge protocol communications technology all of this is absolutely brilliant, but not why I think they will improve the lives of people out in the wilderness

No, to see where they will really make a huge difference, you have to go to the very end of their business plan and take a look at a few paragraphs detailing the component parts to something they call Vadgama Blockchain.

Vadgama Blockchain works in the same way as any other blockchain system except it is entirely untraceable and works without direct access to the internet via a military grade secure radio frequency relay system (WeNet). I find it impossible to believe that these guys aren’t making so much more out of the fact they have this one magnificent technology alone… Nowhere else in the world have I seen a system so robust and flexible. It can provide enormously beneficial digital communication systems, in the deepest darkest most mountainous regions in the world. There are no huge infrastructure investments required. It can run off a simple walkie talkie if necessary or over a laser relay system.

Bouncing packets of data from one transmitter to the next until it reaches a connected terminal, there is no terrain that their system can’t circumnavigate.

Really, if you take nothing else from this article, remember the these three things.

Invacio are not messing around.

WeNet will deliver digital communications the world.

Vadgama Blockchain will make cryptocurrency global & borderless.

Invacio is trading on Bancor, Mercatox, and IDEX.

60m Total Supply, 47m Circulating Supply

Invacio’s Solutions :  

Invmail Zero Knowledge Coms solution | Live

Agnes Predictions | Disabled

Data | Accessible but Disabled

Network | Live but Invite Only

Tamius | Wallet in Google Store (Phase 1) Apple Store Soon!

Aquila | enquiries to [email protected]

API | Disabled

CEAM | Coming Soon

Read about our products, solutions and our roll out here

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