
Another Ukrainian Accounting Software Firm Gets Hacked to Distribute Malware

TheMerkle Ukraine Accounting MalwareMultiple companies in Ukraine are preparing for yet another major ransomware outbreak. Earlier this year, the WannaCry and NotPetya outbreaks caused a lot of damage. Both malware types were successfully distributed in the form of a popular accounting software update file, which had the ransomware payload attached to it. Authorities are on high alert now that another accounting software maker has been compromised. Another Cyberattack may be Brewing in Ukraine It is still a mystery as to why criminals continue to compromise Ukrainian accounting software makers. Multiple companies have server vulnerabilities which should have been fixed months if not years ago.

TheMerkle Ukraine Accounting Malware

Multiple companies in Ukraine are preparing for yet another major ransomware outbreak. Earlier this year, the WannaCry and NotPetya outbreaks caused a lot of damage. Both malware types were successfully distributed in the form of a popular accounting software update file, which had the ransomware payload attached to it. Authorities are on high alert now that another accounting software maker has been compromised.

Another Cyberattack may be Brewing in Ukraine

It is still a mystery as to why criminals continue to compromise Ukrainian accounting software makers. Multiple companies have server vulnerabilities which should have been fixed months if not years ago. However, they cannot be the only accounting software companies in the world whose update servers are not secure. Then again, the earlier WannaCry and NotPetya ransomware outbreaks occurred through a similar incident, which goes to show that this method of attack can be quite successful.

Both of these malware outbreaks were facilitated by the M. E. DOC update servers. Unknown assailants successfully exploited vulnerabilities affecting these servers to push a malicious software update to all users of this tool. It turns out things snowballed from there on out, eventually leading to the global malware crisis all of us have witnessed in recent times. If such an incident were to occur again, there would be a legitimate reason for concern.

It appears such an incident may have already taken place. One of the main competitors of M.E.Doc has been compromised, according to reports. Crystal Finance Millennium servers have been used to distribute malware on a very large scale, which is quite worrisome in its own regard. Criminals used the company’s web services to store malware, rather than hack their official update servers. It is believed this breach took place on August 18, although it is possible the hack occurred on a later date.

It appears the criminals also sent out phishing emails to various targets as a way to effectively distribute the malware in question. In these emails was a ZIP file which contained an executable javascript file. Once opened, that script would download the malware from Crystal Finance Millennium’s web server. It is quite an interesting way to get the malware to as many users as possible, but it also goes to show that criminals have many different ways of infecting targets as they see fit. The malware remained “hidden” on the web server for quite some time until it was eventually discovered.

Preliminary research indicates that the malware in question is the Purge ransomware, which is based on the Globe malware. Belonging to one of the top 10 ransomware families of 2017 so far, this threat should not be ignored. It also appears this malware is distributed through another server, which has nothing to do with the compromise of the Ukrainian firm. That particular instance also involves distributing the Zbot banking Trojan.

Luckily, it does not appear that there is a major ransomware outbreak in Ukraine as we speak. That situation may change in the near future, though. It is certainly possible this is only a test to see how successful this venture can become. Criminals have some love for Ukrainian companies, especially those that focus on accounting software. Rest assured that this will not be the last we hear of Ukrainian firms getting hacked to distribute malware in one way or another.