
Decentralized “SilkRoad of Sex” Gears Up For ICO

eros vision logoEthereum startup just announced the upcoming launch of a decentralized, censorship-resistant platform where consenting adults will be able to pay and get paid for sexual services. The platform intends to be the one-stop-shop for the millions of people on either side of this activity who’re looking for a more reliable, safest way to proceed. Built while taking into consideration the decades of irrational fight against the right of control over one’s own body that came from actors as diverse as governments or religious authorities, the platform takes advantage of two technologies – Zeronet and Ethereum – to ensure 100% censorship-resistance unlike

eros vision logo

Ethereum startup just announced the upcoming launch of a decentralized, censorship-resistant platform where consenting adults will be able to pay and get paid for sexual services.

The platform intends to be the one-stop-shop for the millions of people on either side of this activity who’re looking for a more reliable, safest way to proceed.

Built while taking into consideration the decades of irrational fight against the right of control over one’s own body that came from actors as diverse as governments or religious authorities, the platform takes advantage of two technologies – Zeronet and Ethereum – to ensure 100% censorship-resistance unlike centralized platforms such as Backpage.
The team also came up with a robust, built-in reputation system, as it represented the biggest drawback for this profession prone to abuses from undesirable customers emboldened by a feeling of impunity.

Michael O’Brien, the CEO and co-founder of the company, emphasized:

“As (libertarian) technologists, we realized that this somehow particular yet widely spread activity that is prostitution could greatly benefit from recent innovations such as Ethereum and Freenet-inspired Zeronet. The case of Silk-road and so-called “Dark markets” illustrated how you can improve the lives of both sides (e.g buyers and sellers) when adding a significant amount of transparency and taking back the activity off the street.”

He added: “We also felt that the oldest profession in the world, that persisted and has traveled down through the ages deserved an equally resilient platform, which is now possible thanks to the aforementioned technologies.”

The team is now looking for funding to accelerate the development pace, establish a critical mass of customers on both sides, respect the various deadlines it set with a beta release planned for late August. To this effort, an ICO will be launched on July 10, with multiple platform incentives for future token holders.