
Ether Shorts Hit Another Record High as Price Sinks

Ethereum traders continue to load up on short positions, having pushed the cryptocurrency lower by more than 30 percent in the last seven days.

Ethereum traders continue to load up on short positions, having pushed the cryptocurrency lower by more than 30 percent in the last seven days.

Cryptocurrency ether plunges again, decoupling from bitcoin – CNBC


Cryptocurrency ether plunges again, decoupling from bitcoin
Retail investors were excited about its utility compared to bitcoin, which can’t be used to build blockchain applications and is mostly seen as a speculative investment or a store of value. The cryptocurrency rose more than 9,000 percent after starting

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Cryptocurrency ether plunges again, decoupling from bitcoin
Retail investors were excited about its utility compared to bitcoin, which can't be used to build blockchain applications and is mostly seen as a speculative investment or a store of value. The cryptocurrency rose more than 9,000 percent after starting ...

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Crypto Exchange Seed CX Raises $15 Million in Series B Round

Seed CX raised $15 million in a Series B round led by Bain Capital. The exchange plans to expand its spot market and derivatives trading services.

Seed CX raised $15 million in a Series B round led by Bain Capital. The exchange plans to expand its spot market and derivatives trading services.

Top 5 Changes Coming to Cardano in Version 1.4

All cryptocurrency ecosystems need to keep evolving over time. Remaining competitive and innovative are two key requirements. For Cardano, its updated roadmap will introduce some interesting changes. The following announced improvements are ranked by ascending benefits for the ecosystem as a whole. #5 Daedelus Comes to Linux Over the past few weeks, the Cardano community […]

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All cryptocurrency ecosystems need to keep evolving over time. Remaining competitive and innovative are two key requirements. For Cardano, its updated roadmap will introduce some interesting changes. The following announced improvements are ranked by ascending benefits for the ecosystem as a whole.

#5 Daedelus Comes to Linux

Over the past few weeks, the Cardano community has tried to get its hands on Daedelus for Linux. Although a public beta version exists for some time now, the community wanted full access to this popular Cardano wallet solution. That wish will finally be granted in the next major Cardano upgrade. A positive development for the Linux side of the community.

#4 Shelley Testnet

In the cryptocurrency world, testnets are an integral part of future developments. As Cardano prepares to move to a decentralized network, a new testnet will be implemented. Shelley will allow users to experiment with the new features coming to Cardano and provide feedback to developers. It will also help in ironing out any remaining bugs or potential issues. Decentralizing Cardano will introduce many changes, including stake pools and delegation of stake.

#3 Cardano Testnet

For those who want proper access to Cardano without using the main blockchain, a test environment of this ecosystem will be made publicly available. It is an alternative blockchain running code which is slightly behind the up-to-date iteration of the production code base. For developers, community members, and trading platforms, this testnet can be of great value. This testnet offers the exact same functionality as the live blockchain.

#2 Cardano Rust

Most developers have heard of Rust, a popular programming language. It is a lot easier to get acquainted with and is often touted as a “lightweight” programming language. It simplifies development for web and mobile significantly. Cardano’s Rust project is an open source sandbox for developers to build and integrate new products and services alike. For the ecosystem, the Rust project can lead to many great innovations over time.

#1 Improving Block Storage

Storing network blocks is always a bit problematic in the cryptocurrency world. Cardano is no different in this regard, albeit some major changes will be introduced soon. The current objective is to reduce the space needed to store the full Cardano blockchain. This will be achieved by using a single file to store each epoch instead of one file per block. As such, the information will be  “condensed” to just 200 files, instead of 1.5 million.

Such a reduction in files needed streamlines the process as a whole. Fewer files required means using less hard drive space. As such, users will benefit from faster chain synchronization and overall performance increases. This method also seemingly paves the way for using cheaper devices with less storage capacity to store the Cardano blockchain on. A very promising development for the community as a whole.

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US Crypto Industry Vets Form Blockchain Association Lobbying Group

Some of the largest United States-based players in the cryptocurrency space, together with tech industry veterans, are forming the Blockchain Association to better lobby for crypto-related policy changes in Washington D.C. Crypto Industry Powerhouses Join Forces for Greater Purpose Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong said back in June that bear markets such as the one cryptocurrencies

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Some of the largest United States-based players in the cryptocurrency space, together with tech industry veterans, are forming the Blockchain Association to better lobby for crypto-related policy changes in Washington D.C.

Crypto Industry Powerhouses Join Forces for Greater Purpose

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong said back in June that bear markets such as the one cryptocurrencies are experiencing right now, create an “opportunity to keep making progress while everyone else gets distracted.” According to a new report from the Washington Post, the outspoken CEO and other crypto industry vets are doing exactly that.

Armstrong’s cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase joins the Goldman Sachs-backed Circle, along with tech startup Protocol Labs and big money investors like the Digital Currency Group and Polychain Capital, to form the Blockchain Association, which the Washington Post calls the first “fully fledged lobbying group in Washington representing entrepreneurs and investors who are building off the technology behind bitcoin.”

The Blockchain Association will be tasked with representing the entire cryptocurrency industry in Washington D.C., and the organization’s key focuses will be around working with federal regulators to shape future regulation. Proper regulation is said to be among the chief reasons institutional investors have been hesitant to enter the space, followed by a proper custody solution.

Blockchain Association: Shaping the Future of Cryptocurrency Policy

The Blockchain Association has its work cut out for it. The cryptocurrency market is new, unregulated, and not yet fully understood. United States lawmakers and regulators have taken a mostly hands-off stance with cryptocurrencies. However, in recent weeks, discussion around which cryptocurrencies could be deemed securities by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and the potential around fraud related to initial coin offerings, has raised concerns that further regulatory clarity is needed.

The new lobbying group will also address how cryptocurrencies are treated under U.S. tax law. Currently, cryptocurrencies are treated as property the same way real estate investments are treated. With cryptocurrencies arguably being more akin to traditional currencies than assets in how they’re used for transactions, the U.S. tax law is an archaic approach and requires a modern day revamp.

Other notable areas of interest for U.S. regulators that the Blockchain Association will address surround important anti-money-money laundering and know-your-customer policies.

“We’re not companies looking to game the system, but trying to develop a legal and regulatory system that’ll stand the test of time,” Coinbase’s chief legal and risk office Mike Lempres explained.

Lobbying Group Makes Its First Hire

The Washington Post has also revealed that the newly formed Blockchain Association has hired Kristen Smith, former aide to Senator Olympia J. Snowe, and advisor at Thompson Coburn’s lobbying and policy group.

Smith, who says she’s spent a lot of time doing “basic education work” in the space, also spent time lobbying for on blockchain-related issues. Smith added that she’s “excited to focus exclusively on these issues.”


Image from Shutterstock

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China Tracks Charity Donations with Blockchain

The Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) in China has commented that the government is planning to implement blockchain technology in order to track charitable donations. The Chinese plan is very much in line with many governments and NGOs around the globe, many of whom are already utilizing the technology in the sector. While technological innovations …

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The Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) in China has commented that the government is planning to implement blockchain technology in order to track charitable donations.

The Chinese plan is very much in line with many governments and NGOs around the globe, many of whom are already utilizing the technology in the sector.

While technological innovations have been boosting capital in practically every other industry, the charity sector has fallen behind. Millennials especially just don’t seem to have confidence in an industry that has had scathing media coverage of improper practice, damaging commercial partnerships and a lack of transparency when it comes down to seeing how donations are distributed.

MCA has just released its four-year blockchain plan for charities, principally to enhance supply chain transparency in the sector, promising to integrate blockchain into charitable institutions systems by the end of the year. The ministry appears to be moving very quickly on this, suggesting that online charities will be connected to government charity databases in the oncoming months, promising to build:

“… a tamper-proof charity organization information query system and enhance the authority, transparency and public trust of information publishing and search services.”

A report conducted by independent think tank Charity Futures concluded that charities have yet to engage with blockchain with the kind of urgency required to keep up with technological advances. The study, ‘Nothing to Lose (But Your Chains)‘, was clear in pointing out that the charity sector had as yet failed to tap significantly into available blockchain technologies.

The report recommends the use of DLT by creating a transparent, end-to-end supply chain for each project. This means that all those involved – government departments, NGOs, funders, charities, local offices, delivery partners, and the individuals receiving the benefit have access up to the moment information regarding the funds or supplies donated.

Some charities and NGOs are getting it right, however. Along with IBM, both the UN and the World Food Programme (WFP) are now proactively using blockchain to record transactions.

The Chinese government has announced that it also intends to integrate blockchain into a range of social services programs.


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At top schools like Wharton, students are flocking to classes on bitcoin and blockchain – CNBC


At top schools like Wharton, students are flocking to classes on bitcoin and blockchain
Those Cornell students aren’t an anomaly: At other top universities across the country, students are anxious to enroll in courses focused on the proliferation of blockchain, a decentralized ledger technology that underpins cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.


At top schools like Wharton, students are flocking to classes on bitcoin and blockchain
Those Cornell students aren't an anomaly: At other top universities across the country, students are anxious to enroll in courses focused on the proliferation of blockchain, a decentralized ledger technology that underpins cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.

The Current Bitcoin (BTC) Market Situation Is A Tough Bulls And Bears Affair – Ethereum World News (blog)

Ethereum World News (blog)

The Current Bitcoin (BTC) Market Situation Is A Tough Bulls And Bears Affair
Ethereum World News (blog)
Bitcoin seems to be swinging on a narrow ledge between bears and bulls, and that seems to be putting the crypto’s market at an uneasy position. On September 5, the crypto market saw an unprecedented shake-down after news broke that Goldman Sachs …

Ethereum World News (blog)

The Current Bitcoin (BTC) Market Situation Is A Tough Bulls And Bears Affair
Ethereum World News (blog)
Bitcoin seems to be swinging on a narrow ledge between bears and bulls, and that seems to be putting the crypto's market at an uneasy position. On September 5, the crypto market saw an unprecedented shake-down after news broke that Goldman Sachs …

Top 3 EOS-oriented Trading Platforms of 2018

The EOS ecosystem successfully attracts a lot of attention. Whether it is the native network or the airdropped tokens based on the same technology, new trading platforms will need to emerge. Three key exchange solutions stand out for EOS, although only two of them are actually live right now. They are ranked in order from […]

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The EOS ecosystem successfully attracts a lot of attention. Whether it is the native network or the airdropped tokens based on the same technology, new trading platforms will need to emerge. Three key exchange solutions stand out for EOS, although only two of them are actually live right now. They are ranked in order from centralized to decentralized trading solutions.

#3 Chaince

With a few companies focusing their attention specifically on EOS, the future for this currency seems rather rosy. Chaince is one of the first platforms coming to market in this regard. It is a trading platform for blockchain assets which are entwined with EOS in some way. It is designed to support airdropped EOS tokens as they come to market. The trading platform has gone live a little while ago, and it seems to be generating some attention among community members.

Although some users hope to see Chaince turn into a decentralized solution, its current model is a bit different. users still need to sign up for an account first and foremost, and all trading occurs through traditional order books. That is not necessarily a bad thing, but the cryptocurrency community seems to favor decentralized trading solutions first and foremost. It will be interesting to see if Chaince decides to go that route in the future.

#2 EosFinex

Bitfinex made it clear they will build a decentralized exchange on the EOS.IO platform. That announcement dates back to early February of 2018, yet the platform is not finished at the time of writing. Even though building a decentralized exchange does not happen overnight, there is no official release date for this new platform either.

Although Bitfinex claims the exchange will be decentralized, its exact inner workings have to be determined. The parent company owns numerous centralized trading platforms with strict KYC guidelines. It is not unlikely EosFinex will force such requirements upon users as well, removing a big part of the decentralization aspect already. Until more information comes to light, there will be plenty of questions regarding the exact nature of EosFinex.

#1 DexEOS

The only “real” decentralized exchange focusing on EOS and its airdropped tokens is DexEOS. It still has a login requirement, but that mainly pertains to user slinking their own EOS wallet to their trades, rather than submitting personal information. The platform supports authentication through Wallets, EOSign, and Scatter. It is a system that seems to be appreciated by the EOS community so far.

As is always the case, liquidity can be a bit of a concern. For DexEOS, the support trading pairs are not seeing that much volume yet, but these are the early stages of this exchange. There also appear to be some kinds which need to be worked out accordingly. In time, this platform can become a very solid decentralized exchange for the EOS ecosystem.

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Bitcoin Tax Laws Virtually Nonexistent in States – Bloomberg BNA

Bitcoin Tax Laws Virtually Nonexistent in StatesBloomberg BNAUnlike fiat currency, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin only exist in digital form. Bitcoins are sent between users on the Bitcoin network, similar to a peer-to-peer file sharing network. These t…

Bitcoin Tax Laws Virtually Nonexistent in States
Bloomberg BNA
Unlike fiat currency, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin only exist in digital form. Bitcoins are sent between users on the Bitcoin network, similar to a peer-to-peer file sharing network. These transactions are monitored by a decentralized network of ...

OKCoin Expands Token-to-Token Platform to 20 States

Today, September 12, 2018, OKCoin announced that the company will be offering token-to-token only trading in twenty states across the U.S. This announcement of its expansion in U.S. markets comes shortly after OK…

OKCoin Expands Token-to-Token Platform to 20 States

Today, September 12, 2018, OKCoin announced that the company will be offering token-to-token only trading in twenty states across the U.S. This announcement of its expansion in U.S. markets comes shortly after OKCoin/OKEx founder Star Xu was questioned and released by Chinese police in connection with an alleged digital currency fraud. OKEx is the second largest global exchange by volume, according to CoinMarketCap, (though that volume has been called into question) and now OKCoin is hoping that its own volume will increase with low fees in a market-maker favored pricing model.

OKEx was launched in 2014 to target peer-to-peer trading of hundreds of cryptocurrency pairs. The digital asset exchange was to supplant the 2013 version of OKCoin, which enabled Chinese Yuan to BTC payments. However, the past 18 months of regulatory changes amongst major economies have left OKEx unable to cater to investors and speculators in many countries, including the United States. OKCoin international was relaunched only in April of this year and had previously only operated in California as a fiat-to-token trading platform earlier this summer, so this token-to-token platform should enable a U.S. service to OKCoin previously denied to OKEx.

Given its currently limited pool of tradeable cryptocurrencies (BTC, LTC, ETC, ETH, and BCH), it may be hard to differentiate OKCoin from U.S. mainstays. However, this limited pool may be why OKCoin has been able to secure Money Transmittal Licenses (MTLs) from twenty states in the first place.

In its press release on the expansion, OKCoin states, “We have worked closely with regulators and researched regulations in every state to ensure that we are complying with Federal and State convertible virtual currency rules.” According to the same release OKCoin is in the process of applying for MTLs in the remaining states for both token-to-token and fiat-to-token trading.

This could prove to be a challenge in certain states, such as Vermont, New York and Washington. However, notable wins include Massachusetts where state licensing and enforcement on those selling cryptocurrency is notoriously stringent, and Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin has been vocally anti-bitcoin. OKCoin CEO Tim Buyn stressed the importance of working within the U.S. regulatory frameworks to “break down the barriers preventing a truly global digital asset market.”

The new states include Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wisconsin.

This article originally appeared on Bitcoin Magazine.