
Verge Community Members Push for a Spotify Partnership

It seems that drama and excitement are reaching new heights in the Verge world. After an announced partnership with Pornhub, the community is now looking toward the future. A potential partnership with Spotify will certainly introduce a lot of changes, but it seems unlikely this altcoin will be successful in achieving that goal.

Verge and Spotify Deal Remains Unlikely

It has to be said that interesting partnerships are forged in the cryptocurrency world quite regularly. In such cases, the momentum and hype can elevate a particular currency to a whole new level in short order. In the case of Verge, the reality may be a bit different, as its previous partnership failed to impress most people for more than a few days.

To recap, Verge is now an accepted cryptocurrency on the Pornhub platform. While Pornhub is one of the leading adult content platforms in the world today, it is evident the addition of Verge has not made any big impact as of yet. That could still change in the near future, although speculators cooled off on XVG ever since the initial hype died down.

It now seems the Verge team is already looking for ways to get the hype train going again. A potential partnership with Spotify has been touted, although it would take a lot of effort to make that happen. If forging partnerships were all it took to make cryptocurrency successful, the world would look very different right now. Unfortunately, it would also require people to actually use XVG as a payment method on these platforms, which is a very different matter altogether.

For now, there is no reason to think anything will come of this potential partnership. A Verge supporter has opened a thread on the Spotify Community page, but that is all there is to it at this stage. A privacy-oriented cryptocurrency could make a big impact on the Spotify streaming platform in the future, but whether or not Verge is the right option in this regard remains to be seen. One has to keep in mind that Spotify never leaned toward using Bitcoin either, which has a far wider appeal compared to Verge.

It is true that cryptocurrencies can make a positive impact on Spotify. Although this service has over 71 million active subscribers, there is still a big market waiting to be tapped. While a lot of cryptocurrency users will already have a Spotify subscription at this point, there may be some potential customers to consider as well. Even so, it is highly unlikely those people would go through the trouble of converting Bitcoin to Verge and then using the altcoin to set up a Spotify subscription.

Even so, there is a chance that such a partnership will come to fruition in the future. Although it is evident Verge doesn’t hold a candle to Bitcoin’s popularity right now – or potentially ever – there is a lot more to cryptocurrency than just BTC and Ethereum. Altcoins can provide cheaper and faster transactions, although the anonymity aspect may be a blessing and a curse rolled into one for companies such as Spotify.