
Ethfinex, 0x project, Request Network and others to cooperate with Auctus on lab initiative

Auctus is launching Auctus Labs in collaboration with Ethfinex, Request.Network, Ripio Credit Network, Melonport, Amadeus, 0x project and Bluzelle, powered by Aragon.

After releasing the alpha version of their ‘Auctus Platform’ on Ethereum Rinkeby test network, Auctus is launching Auctus Labs with the aim of replacing centralized components with decentralized ones, in an attempt to fully decentralize their platform.

Auctus Platform

Developers of the different teams will be working closely together, testing new releases whenever new updates become available. The prototypes will be available on Auctus’ public GitHub and the lab is open to other projects that want to collaborate.

Auctus stated that it will run the lab in parallel to its main development. Main development will go on with already established components. However, once new components from the lab reach a stable stage and have passed all tests, they will be benchmarked against existing components and might replace the existing ones.

On Twitter, Ethfinex stated: “(We’re) very excited to be a part of this”, while Melonport said: “Great to see the different companies in the community working together!” Amadeus, the 0x relayer added: “We are glad to be working with Auctus for a more decentralized world!”

About Auctus

The Auctus Platform is a global smart contract-based retirement and goal-based saving platform with specialized portfolio management services for traditional equity and bond investments, as well as cryptocurrency investments. The platform provides the user an aggregated view of all retirement savings, from government regulated IRA/401k plans, voluntary traditional retirement plans, as well as crypto wallets. Auctus’ mission is to put retirement savers back in control of their retirement plan by providing the information needed to take well informed decisions and using blockchain to increase transparency and automation. Auctus offers robo advisory, transparency, automation and record keeping, as well as a marketplace that allows the retirement community to come together without middlemen.

Token Sale

Auctus is conducting its main token sale between March 27 and March 31. Prospective contributors can still register at:

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