
Bitcoin Magazine – First Consumer ASIC Mining Rig Powers Up

Bitcoin Magazine – First Consumer ASIC Mining Rig Powers Up:

The latest from Vitalik Buterin of Bitcoin Magazine (@BitcoinMagazine) covers this significant day for Bitcoin — the day the first ASIC mining rig has been powered up by a consumer.  Excerpts:

“Now the Bitcoin community can finally rest easy knowing that the long-awaited ASICs are indeed real.”

“[Recipient of the first unit, Bitcoin developer Jeff Garzik] followed up with a message on Bitcoin IRC announcing the news that Bitcoin enthusiasts everywhere have all been waiting for: ‘mining!’, soon followed by a statistic: the machine’s average hashrate is 68252.65 MH/s.”

“Avalon is not releasing its next batch until early March, and Avalon and Butterfly Labs may well be working nonstop for the foreseeable future as more and more customers line up to buy their own. The Bitcoin ASIC revolution, far from nearing its finish line, is now only beginning.”

 – (Further Avalon-ASIC discussion)

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