
Bitcoin’s Hogwarts: San Francisco Tech Space "20Mission" to Open in August

Jered Kenna, formerly of TradeHill, and Jonathan Ryan Owens of RingCoin have teamed up to launch 20Mission, a huge 41-room tech space project in the heart of San Francisco.

The goal is to open 20Mission to tenants on the 1st of August. Finding tenants will apparently not be a problem, as the reservation list has grown quite long, with prospective tenants even stopping Jared on the street to get in on the action.

Kenna and Owens are hoping the space will produce a wide array of successful projects, most of which will be focused on Bitcoin-related businesses, though the space isn’t being advertised as “Bitcoin-only.” No doubt, having this much talent concentrated and living in a small space will streamline the development process and encourage the type of brain-storming that could produce exceptional ideas.

In this three-minute video, Jered Kenna takes us for a tour and explains the idea behind 20Mission, including who the building is geared toward, what the spaces will look like, and his crazy plans for the roof: