
Upcoming GLBSE IPOs – A Review

ZETA-MINING 2012-05-13 @ 18:00:00 (GMT-4)

Yet another mining operation. You will likely receive predictable but small dividends if you invest in Zeta Mining (1 MH/share).

REBATE 2012-05-14 @ 23:18:35

This is definitely the most interesting of the upcoming offerings. Bitcoin Rebate is described as “a blend of penny auctions and arbitrage. Users bid on blocks of Bitcoin (powered by ZipConf) arbitrage opportunities against other players.”

The concept of buying more Bitcoins for less Bitcoins might seem like a strange one, but it works if you understand the arbitrage going on behind the scenes. I suspect this will be a very popular and profitable site, at least until the arbitrage space gets a little more crowded and margins fall.

Half of the business is up for grabs (25,000 shares with each earning 1/50,000 of the fees collected by the service). Priced at 0.2 BTC each, this gives Bitcoin Rebate an initial valuation of $50,000 USD).

GOLD 2012-06-05 @ 18:00:00

This “gold bond” (not the stuff you put on your nuts) gives you the privilege of lending your BTC to the owner of the gold so that he can invest the money is his personal business. The gold is essentially acting as collateral, and bond holders will be paid a dividend of 0.73% of their investment on a weekly basis. Definitely an interesting way to secure a Bitcoin loan and a new way of using GLBSE.

SILVER 2012-06-05 @ 18:00:00

Same as the gold bond, but silver.

BITCOIN 2012-05-22 @ 22:00:00
PROPERTY 2012-06-08 @ 08:00:00
CASINO 2012-06-08 @ 18:18:00
INSURANCE 2012-06-18 @ 18:00:00
PENSION 2012-06-22 @ 18:00:00

These five are nothing more than someone reserving ticker names in the hopes that they can be sold off in the future.

Happy investing!